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ESE-TE Network Studies & Books

Environmental and Sustainability Education in Canadian Faculties of Education.
Research Report 2021. Drs. R. Kool, D. D. Karrow, & M. DiGiuseppe.

Karrow, D., & DiGiuseppe, M. (Eds.). (2019). Environmental and sustainability education: Canadian perspectives. Springer Nature AG. ISBN: 978-3-030-25015-7.

Karrow, D., Inwood, H., & Sims, L. (Eds.). (2020). Special Issue on Environmental and sustainability education in teacher educationCanadian Journal of Environmental Education, 23(1).

Karrow, D. DiGuiseppe, M., Elliott, P., Inwood,H. & Gwekwerere, Y. (Eds.) (2016). Canadian Perspectives on Initial Teacher Environmental Education Praxis. Canadian Association of Teacher Education.

Studies, Articles & Chapters

Almeida, S., Moore, D., & Barnes, M. (2018). Teacher Identities as Key to Environmental Education for Sustainability Implementation: A Study From Australia. Australian Journal of Environmental Education,34(3), 228-243.

Álvarez-García, O., Sureda-Negre, J., & Comas-Forgas, R. (2015). Environmental education in pre-service teacher training: A literature review of existing evidence. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 17(1), 72-85.

Alvarez, P., & Vega, P. (2004). Formacion inicial del profesorado en educacion ambiental Environmental education in pre-service teacher training].  Revista Biocenosis [Journal Biocenosis], 18(1-2), 66-71.

Andersson, K., Jagers, S. C., Lindskog, A., & Martinsson, J. (2013). Learning for the
future? Effects of education for sustainable development (ESD) on teacher education students.  Sustainability, 5(12), 5135-5152.

Ashmann, S.  (2010). In what ways are pre-service teachers being prepared to teach k-12 students about the environment?  An Investigation of Wisconsin’s Teacher Education Programs.

Ashmann, S. & Franzen, R. (2015). In what ways are teacher candidates being prepared to teach about the environment? A case study from Wisconsin. Environmental Education Research.

Ballantyne, R. R. (1995). Environmental teacher education: Constraints, approaches, course design. International Journal of Environmental Education and Information,14(2), 115-128.

Barth, M., & Burgener, L. (2018). Sustainability competencies in teacher education: Making teacher education count in everyday  school practice. Journal of Cleaner Production, 174(1), 821-826.

Beckford, C. (2008). Re-orienting environmental education in teacher education programs in Ontario. Journal of Teaching and Learning, 5(1), 55-66.

Berger, P., Gerum, N., & Moon, M. (2015). “Roll-up your sleeves and get at it!” Climate change education in teacher education. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 20, 154-172.

Bertschy, F., Kunzli, C., & Lehman, M. (2013). Teachers' competencies for the implementation of educational offers in the field of education for sustainable development. Sustainability, 5(12), 5067-5080.

Clarke, D. A. G., & Mcphie, J. (2016). From places to paths: Learning for sustainability, teacher education and a philosophy of becoming. Environmental Education Research, 22(7), 1002-1024. 

Crosley, K. L. (2014). The frontiers of environmental education: Understanding the role of community-based organizations in the socio-ecological learning of urban youth (Order No. 3626534).

Crowe, J. L. (2011). Eco-spirituality and religion: Catalysts for transformation in environmental education (Order No. 3469806).

Cutter-Mackenzie, and Tidbury, D. (2002). Meeting commitments for a sustainable future: Environmental education in pre-service teacher education.  In B. A. Knight (Ed.), Re-conceptualizing learning in the knowledge society, (pp. 17-33). Post Pressed, Flaxton Qld.  

Desmarais, M.É., Rocque, R. and Sims, L. (2021, in press). Comment faire face à l’éco-anxiété : 11 stratégies d’adaptation en contexte éducatif. Éducation relative à l'environnement.

Esa, N. (2010). Environmental knowledge, attitude and practices of student teachers. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 19(1): 39-50.

Evans, N., Ferreira, J., Davis, J., & Stevenson, R. (2016). Embedding EfS in Teacher Education Through a Multi-Level Systems Approach: Lessons From Queensland. Australian Journal of Environmental Education,32(1), 65-79. 

Evans, N., Stevenson, R., Lasen, M., Ferreira, J.-A., & Davis, J. (2017). Approaches to embedding sustainability in teacher education: A synthesis of the literature. Teaching and Teacher Education, 63(1), 405-417.

Falkenberg, T., & Babiuk, G. (2014). The status of education for sustainability in initial
teacher education programmes: A Canadian case study. International Journal of
Sustainability in Higher Education, 15(4), 418-430.

Ferreira, J., Ryan, L. & Tilbury, D. (2007).  Planning for success: Factors influencing change in teacher education. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 23, 45-55.

Ferreira, J., Ryan, L. & Tilbury, D. (2007). Mainstreaming education for sustainable development in initial teacher education in Australia: A review of existing professional development models.  Journal of Education for Teaching: International Research and Pedagogy, 33(2), 225- 239.

Ferreira, J., Ryan, L., & Davis, J. (2015). Developing knowledge and leadership in pre-service teacher education systems. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 31(2), 194-207.

Fien, J. (1995). Teaching for a sustainable world: the Environmental and Development Education Project for teacher education. Environmental Education Research, 1(1): 21-33.

Gooch, M., D.  Rigano, R. Hickey, and J.  Fien (2008). How do primary pre‐service teachers in a regional Australian university plan for teaching, learning and acting in environmentally responsible ways?   Environmental Education Research, 14(2), 175-186.

Goldman, D., Yavetz, B., & Peíer, S. (2014). Student teachers’ attainment of environmental literacy in relation to their disciplinary major during undergraduate studies. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 9(4), 369-383.

Greenwood, D. (2010). A critical analysis of sustainability education in schooling's bureaucracy: Barriers and small openings in teacher education. Teacher Education Quarterly, 37(4), 139.

Hart, P. (1990). Environmental education in Canada: Contemporary issues & future possibilities. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 6, 45-66.

Hart, P. (2003). Teachers’ thinking in environmental education: Consciousness and responsibility. New York: Peter Lang.

Heimlich, J., Braus, J., Olivolo, B., McKeown-Ice, R., Barringer-Smith, L. (2004). Environmental education and preservice teacher preparation: A national study.  The Journal of Environmental Education, 35(2), 17-60.

Inwood, H. & Jagger, S. (2014). DEEPER: Deepening environmental education in pre-service education resource. Toronto, ON: Ontario institute for Studies in Education and the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study.

Karrow, D., DiGiuseppe, M., Elliott, P., Gwekwerere, Y., & Inwood, H. (Eds.). (2016). Canadian perspectives on initial teacher environmental education praxis. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Educatio.n

Karrow, D. DiGiuseppe, M., Elliott, P., Inwood, H., & Fazio, X. (2016). Initial teacher environmental education capacities: What is the role of Ontario’s faculties of education? In M. Hirschkorn & Julie Mueller (Eds.), What should Canada’s teachers know? Teacher capacities: knowledge, beliefs and skills. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education.

Lin, E. (2002). Trend of environmental education in Canadian pre-service teacher education programs from 1979 to 1996. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 7(1), 199-215.

Lindemann-Matthies, P.  et al. (2011). Confidence and perceived competence of preservice teachers to implement biodiversity education in primary schools—four comparative case studies from Europe. International Journal of Science Education, 33(16): 247-273.

Madhawa Nair, S., Rashid Mohamed, A., & Marimuthu, N. (2013). Malaysian teacher
trainees’ practices on science and the relevance of science education for sustainability.
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 14(1), 71-89.

Mandikonza, C., & Lotz-Sisitka, H. (2016). Emergence of environment and sustainability education (ESE) in teacher education contexts in southern africa: A common good concern. Educational Research for Social Change, 5(1), 107-130.

McKeown-Ice, R. (2000).  Environmental education in the United States: A survey of pre-service teacher education programs.  The Journal of Environmental Education, 32(1), 4- 11.

Monaghan, K. & Curthoys, L. (2008).  Addressing Barriers to Ecological Literacy. Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, 20(3), 12-16.

Nazir, J., E. Pedretti, J. Wallace, D. Montemurro, and H. Inwood. (2009). Climate Change and Sustainable Development: The Response from Education. The Canadian Perspective. Centre for Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Ormond, C., Zandvliet, D., McClaren, M., Robertson, P., Leddy, S., & Metcalfe, S. (2015). Environmental education as teacher education: Melancholic reflections from an emerging community of practice. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 19, 160-179.

Pickard, G. (2013). ‘Reorienting Postsecondary Education Toward Sustainability: The “Gravity” of it All” in Karen Goodnough, et al (Eds), 2013.  Inspiration and Innovation in Teaching and Teacher Education. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington.

Pickard, G. (2009). “Senselessness:” The Manifestation of Educational Practice. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 5(1), 201-210.

Pickard, G. (2007). “Coming to Our Senses:” The Preparation of Pre-service Teachers and the Implications for Education for Sustainability. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability, 3(3), 1-8.

Potter, G. (2010). Environmental education for the 21st century: Where do we go now? The Journal of Environmental Education, 41(1), 22-33.

Powers, A.  (2004). Teacher preparation for environmental education: Faculty perspectives on the infusion of environmental education into pre-service methods courses. The Journal of Environmental Education, 35(3), 3-11.

Puk, T., & Stibbards, A. (2010). Ecological concept development of pre-service teacher candidates: Opaque empty shells. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 5(4), 461-76.

Rauch, F., & Steiner, R. (2013). Competencies for education for sustainable development in teacher education. Center for Educational Policies Studies Journal, 3(1), 9-24.

Root, E. (2010). This Land Is Our Land? This Land Is Your Land: The Decolonizing Journeys of White Outdoor Environmental Educators. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 15, 103-119.

Russell, C. L., Bell, A. C., & Fawcett, L. (2000). Navigating the waters of Canadian environmental education. Weaving connections: Educating for peace, social and environmental justice, 196-217.

Russell T. and McPherson (2001). Indicators of Success in Teacher Education: A Review and Analysis of Recent Research. Pan-Canadian Education Research Agenda Symposium Teacher Education/Educator Training: Current Trends and Future Directions.

Scully, A. (2012). Decolonization, reinhabitation and reconciliation: Aboriginal and place-based education. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 17, 148-158.

Sims, L., Inwood., H., Elliott, P., and Gerofsky, S. (2021). Innovative praxis for environmental learning in Canadian faculties of education. Australian journal of environmental education, First view, 1-14.

Sims, L., Rocque, R. et Desmarais, M.-É. (2020). Enabling students to face the environmental crisis and climate change with resilience: Inclusive environmental and sustainability education approaches and strategies for coping with eco-anxiety. International journal of higher education and sustainability, 3(2), 112-131.

Sims, L., et Desmarais, M.-É. (2020). Planning to overcome perceived barriers: Environmental and sustainability education, inclusion, and accessibility. International journal of higher education and sustainability, 3(1), 1-17.

Sims, L., Asselin, M., et Falkenberg, T. (2020). Environmental and sustainability education in pre-service teacher education in Canada: A case study. Canadian journal of environmental education, 23(1), 14-31.

Sims, L. (2019). Inspirée face aux défis: l'expérience d'une professeure non autochtone en lien à l'intégration des perspectives autochtones dans la formation des enseignants en contexte minoritaire francophone manitobain. Cahiers franco-canadiens de l'ouest, 31(1), 89-108.

Sims, L. and Falkenberg, T. (2013). Developing competencies for education for sustainable development: A case study of Canadian faculties of education. International journal of higher education, 2(4), 1-14.

Sleurs, W. (Ed.) (2008). Competencies for ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) for Teachers, Environment and School Initiatives. 

Spiropoulou, D., T. Antonakaki, S. Kontaxaki, & S. Bouras. (2007). Primary teachers’ literacy and attitudes on education for sustainable development. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 16(5): 443-50.

Stevenson, R., Ferreira, J.-A., Evans, N., & Davis, J. (2015). Beyond science education: Embedding sustainability in teacher education systems. S. Stratton, R. Hagevik (Eds.), Educating science teachers for sustainability, Springer, Cham pp. 381-398.

Summers, M., Childs, A., & Corney, G. (2005). Education for sustainable development in initial teacher training: Issues for interdisciplinary collaboration.  Environmental
Education Research, 11(5), 623-647.
Swayze, N., Creech, H., Buckler, C., & Alfaro, J. (2012). Education for sustainable development in Canadian faculties of education. Toronto: Council of Ministers of Education, Canada.

Thathong, K. (2010). A study of suitable environmental education process for Thai schools context. Research in Higher Education Journal, 7, 1-7.

Trauth-Nare, A. (2015). Influence of an intensive, field-based life science course on preservice teachers' self-efficacy for environmental science teaching.  Journal of Science Teacher Education, 26(5), 497+.

Van Petegem, P., Blieck, A., Imbrecht, I. &  Van Hout, T. (2005). Implementing environmental education in pre-service teacher training. Environmental Education Research, 1(2), 161-171.

Yavetz, B., Goldman, D., & Pe'er, S. (2009). Environmental literacy of pre-service teachers in Israel: A comparison between students at the onset and end of their studies. Environmental Education Research, 15(4), 393-415.

Zhou, G. (2015). Environmental pedagogical content knowledge: A conceptual framework for teacher knowledge and development. In S. Stratton, R. Hagevik, A. Feldman, & M. Bloom (Eds.) Educating Science Teachers for Sustainability (pp. 185-203), SPi-Global.

This list is a work in progress; if you have further research texts to add, please email us with the reference in APA citation form and it will be added.