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Posts tagged with: CATE

Canadian Perspectives on Initial Teacher Environmental Education Praxis

Lots of compelling research is being done on ESE in Teacher Ed these days in Canada!   A new publication entitled Canadian Perspectives on Initial Teacher Environmental Education Praxis  by the Canadian Association of Teacher Education (CATE) in 2016 provides evidence of this. CATE is part of the Canadian Society for the Studies in Education; this is their first anthology of ESE research, and one of the first that shares studies by Canadian scholars in this field.  Led by Doug Karrow (Brock) and Maurice DiGiuseppe (UOIT), it was co-edited by a team of faculty members from across Ontario, including Paul Elliott (TrentU), Hilary Inwood (OISE/UT), & Yovita Gwekwerere (Laurentian).  With research from across the country, it builds on a study conducted by the CMEC in 2013 that tracked the status of ESD in faculties of education; this anthology provides new insights into how ESE & ESD are being theorized and implemented in pre-service education.  For those who might like to read more, it can be accessed at http://cate-acfe.ca/
