
ESE Syllabi

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This is a starting collection of syllabi focused on aspects of Environmental and Sustainability Education; some have been created to support pre-service education, while others are intended for graduate courses. These act as ESE exemplars that pre-service teacher educators have been generous to share; feel free to draw ideas for readings and activities from these in the formulation of your own syllabi. However, if you reproduce any of these syllabi in full, be sure to honour and cite the person who originally created it.

Pre-service Courses

Bob Jickling, Lakehead University
Outdoor Ecological & Experiential Education (Group Project)
Outdoor Ecological & Experiential Education (Individual Project)
Outdoor Ecological & Experiential Education (I/S Science)

Paul Berger, Lakehead University
Climate Change Pedagogy

Douglas Karrow, Brock University
Environmental Education/Outdoor Education

Judy Halpern, Wilfrid Laurier University
Environmental Education

Don Dippo, York University
Educating for a Sustainable Future: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Scott Ashmann, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Environmental Education in K-12 Schools

Rebecca Franzen, University of Wisconsin-Steven's Point
Introduction to Environmental Study and Education
Lecture Schedule

Janet McVittie, University of Saskatchewan
Pedagogies of Place: Context-based Teaching

Mary Breunig, Brock University
Outdoor & Environmental Education

Joanne Nazir, Redeemer University College
Environmental Education

Paul Elliott, Trent University
Well-being, Sustainability and Experiential Learning

Nicole Bell, Paul Elliott, & Brittany Harding, Trent University
Indigenous Education and Environmental & Sustainability Education

Yovita Gwekwerere, Laurentian University
Environmental Education

Warren McBride, University of Ottawa
Senior Geography

Debra Harwood
Early Childhood Education for Sustainability

Patrick Howard, Cape Breton University

Teaching and Learning for Sustainable Future
Fundamentals of Sustainability for Educators
Eco-texts: Sustainability and the Cultural Imagination
Education for Sustainability, Creativity and Innovation Project

Graduate Courses

Connie Russell, Lakehead University
Foundations of Environmental and Sustainability Education

Bob Jickling, Lakehead University
Wild Pedagogies

Hilary Inwood, OISE, University of Toronto
Exploring the Praxis of Environmental & Sustainability Education

If you have syllabi that you are willing to share on this page, email us.